SPS Telus

SPS Telus is a service that collects the information about your business that is important to you. The information you receive can be relayed to your team and can then help to set specific business goals and objectives.

Our research teams produce bespoke surveys, created from an agreed specification, tailored to your target audience.

Various mechanisms are available to our customers across the UK, ranging from the TELUS door-to-door campaigns to the digital TELUS Yes or No Surveys. Whatever you choose, all services remain confidential and prepared in line with ISO27001.

As of November 2019, we’ve been working on… customer satisfaction

So what is customer satisfaction exactly?

Our experience tells us that this term means different things to different sectors, markets, operations and businesses, with the work of our SPS TELUS teams providing us with a virtual library of definitions when it comes to customer satisfaction.

Because of this, the nature of the surveys we deliver on behalf of others varies greatly. However, the value of the information remains consistent. With every action we take, and piece of information we gather, anonymously or not, the responses are meaningful.

What can we learn from the responses?

A ‘Yes’ – means an action will or will not be taken.

A recorded exasperation describes a feeling which some managers may relate to and allows them to respond accordingly.

A ‘No’ – may encourage you to create an action plan to rectify or improve a situation.

After all, we are here to help you improve where necessary, by collecting valuable opinions that matter to your business. These opinions are certainly meaningful and worth their weight in gold when improving and streamlining the processes within your business.